
Fengqing County Learn more about Fengqing County

  • Popularizing Yunduan 505 Maize Variety in Fengqing County, Yunnan Province

    Popularizing Yunduan 505 Maize Variety in Fengqing County, Yunnan Province

    In 2015, relying on the implementation of the project, more than 1950 farmers in the county promoted Yunrui 505 varieties, with a planting area of more than 4000 mu and an average per mu yield of more than 500kg, an increase of more than 160kg over the average yield of the county, an increase of more than 49 per cent. All farmers in demonstration bases and science and technology demonstration villages

    2016-01-16 Yunnan Fengqing County extension Yunduan 505 Corn Variety 2015
  • Fengqing, Lincang, Yunnan: grow flowers and take the road to prosperity

    Fengqing, Lincang, Yunnan: grow flowers and take the road to prosperity

    Fengqing, Lincang, Yunnan: grow flowers and take the road to prosperity

  • Hawaiian fruit cultivation | from seed to seedling, Wang Zhengguo, founder of macadamia nut industry in Yunnan

    Hawaiian fruit cultivation | from seed to seedling, Wang Zhengguo, founder of macadamia nut industry in Yunnan

    Wang Zhengguo is the former director of Yunnan Tropical crop Science Research Institute. He was born in Fengqing, Lincang, Yunnan in 1939 and graduated from the Department of Genetics of Yunnan University in 1962. Later, he was assigned to the Yunnan Institute of Tropical crop Science in Xishuangbanna to engage in the cultivation of new varieties of natural rubber.

    2018-07-14 From seeds to seedlings Yunnan Australia nuts industry etc.
  • High efficient cultivation Model of Corn interplanting Konjac + Green manure

    High efficient cultivation Model of Corn interplanting Konjac + Green manure

    Research background Analysis on efficient cultivation Model of Corn interplanting Konjac + Green manure 1 Hot Spring Town is located in the southeast of Changning County, adjacent to Fengqing County in Lincang City in two directions and bordering Wengduan Town and Tian Town in two directions in the northwest. Hot springs.

  • Extreme weather threatens food security

    Extreme weather threatens food security

    El Nino continues to be strong. Frequent extreme weather events have begun to affect grain production and marketing. The reporter learned that affected by drought or flood conditions, several staple foods have been affected to varying degrees in various production areas. In western Hunan and southern Hunan

    2016-01-10 extreme weather excessive weather frequent occurrence threat food security
  • Xinhai peony spring orchid

    Xinhai peony spring orchid

    Cang 10th (Fengqing) Orchid Expo Gold Award-Xinhai Peony. Xinhai Peony at the Chunlan Exhibition in Dali in 2009!

  • Tea variety: Qianmei 701

    Tea variety: Qianmei 701

    Breeding unit: Guizhou Tea Research Institute. Approval: approved by the National crop Variety approval Committee in 1995. Variety registration number: GS13014-l994. Variety source: in 1955, Guizhou Meitan Evening Daye Tea was selected as the female parent and Yunnan Fengqing Daye Tea as the male parent. After artificial pollination, it was systematically bred from FI. Characteristics: small trees with large leaves, branches spreading, leaves inserted horizontally, leaf length 14.64 cm, leaf width 6.22 cm, vein 9mur11

  • Qianmei 701 (Tea Tree)

    Qianmei 701 (Tea Tree)

    Breeding unit: Guizhou Tea Research Institute. Approval: approved by the National crop Variety approval Committee in 1995. Variety registration number: GS13014-l994. Variety source: in 1955, Guizhou Meitan Evening Daye Tea was selected as the female parent and Yunnan Fengqing Daye Tea as the male parent. After artificial pollination, it was systematically bred from FI. Characteristics: small trees with large leaves, branches spreading, leaves growing horizontally, 14.64 cm long, 6.22 cm wide, and 11 pairs of veins.

  • Picture of Huilan Peach Blossom Fairy, what kind of Huilan Peach Blossom is and when it blossoms

    Picture of Huilan Peach Blossom Fairy, what kind of Huilan Peach Blossom is and when it blossoms

    Huilan "Peach Blossom Fairy" is a new product from Taohualing, Yuyaoliangnong Town, which was excavated by Lan you Lao Li and selected by Yue Bai Fengqing and Chen Songhu in 2001. After going down the mountain, it has been collected and spread among individual orchid friends, and it has been reused only once in more than a decade. In 2016, the peach blossom fairy finally returned to normal, and it has been expected for 16 years to come true! This time.

  • What kinds of black tea do you have?

    What kinds of black tea do you have?

    Since ancient times, Chinese people like to drink tea and often treat people with tea, so tea is grown in many places, but there are many varieties. Black tea is one of the large categories of tea. What kinds of tea do you have? Friends who want to know can take a look at the following. What kinds of black tea do you have?

    2020-11-27 Black tea have what varieties Chinese since ancient times to like
  • Fengaizhan No. 1 (Rice)

    Fengaizhan No. 1 (Rice)

    Fengaizhan No. 1 is a new rice variety with conventional high quality and high yield, which is bred by the cross between Fengqing dwarf and long filament used by Rice Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. From 1995 to 1996, the variety participated in the early regional test in Guangdong Province and Hainan Province, and the average yield per mu was 404.82 kg and 442.6 kg respectively, which increased by 5.96% and 16.51% compared with the control Qishanzhan and Qigui 25, with the highest yield per mu reaching 642.5 kg. The quality of rice is better. Determined by the Grain Chamber of China Rice Institute, the rate of brown rice is 80.9% and that of milled rice is 73.7%.

  • Policies still need to be in place to support the market to boost rice prices and increase income.

    Policies still need to be in place to support the market to boost rice prices and increase income.

    Editor's note: since July 28, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, and Hubei provinces have successively launched the acquisition of early indica rice in 2015, alleviating the short-term pressure of the initial market purchase price, and the effect of policy supporting the market has gradually emerged. But subject to warehousing conditions, farming arrangements, etc.

    2016-01-10 Prop up the market boost rice prices increase income still need policy in place editor's note
  • The chicken blood vine grows better in this environment.

    The chicken blood vine grows better in this environment.

    As a climbing flower, the ornamental effect is similar to that of wisteria. This is a very characteristic plant, which needs the careful care of flower friends in order to grow healthily.

  • Watch the growth of bonsai and thank everyone who appears in our lives.

    Watch the growth of bonsai and thank everyone who appears in our lives.

    [feelings of Bonsai people] Wen | Xiamen, Fujian @ Zhou Yingzhi is a vast sea of people. It is a kind of fate to meet. Because of this fate, let us become relatives, friends, important and unforgettable people in life. Of course, you will also meet some.

  • What kind of tea is Dianhong

    What kind of tea is Dianhong

    Dianhong is black tea, also known as Yunnan black tea, which is composed of large-leaf black broken tea. The stereotyped products include leaf tea, broken tea, slice tea and final tea. Its shape has specific specifications, the body is heavy and solid, the color is evenly adjusted, and the soup is red and bright after brewing. Main production

    2020-11-09 Yunnan red what is tea yes black tea also known as Yunnan to big
  • Chicken blood vine is another name for many plants, such as Leguminosae, angiosperm phylum, butterfly flower family, etc.

    Chicken blood vine is another name for many plants, such as Leguminosae, angiosperm phylum, butterfly flower family, etc.

    Chicken blood vine (plant) chicken blood vine, for leguminous, angiosperm phylum, dicotyledonous class, butterfly flower family and other plants nickname. Evergreen woody vines, glabrous, new branches dark green, base persistent with several triangular bud scales. Born in the sea.

  • Tea variety regionalization

    Tea variety regionalization

    The research work on the distribution of tea varieties in different regions and how to divide the suitable planting areas. Tea areas in China are widely distributed, ranging from 18 °to 38 °N and 94 °to 122 °E. The vertical distribution ranges from the highest to the mountains at 2600m above sea level and the lowest to the low hills only a few meters above sea level. The genetic characteristics of tea varieties and the latitude zonality of the region make the tea and quality style appear certain zonality. In the southern tropics or subtropics, it is suitable for the growth and production of tree-type large-leaf tea varieties.

  • High-yield techniques and cultivation conditions of Agaricus bisporus cultivated in Paddy Field

    High-yield techniques and cultivation conditions of Agaricus bisporus cultivated in Paddy Field

    Among the artificially cultivated edible fungi, mushroom is the one with the largest cultivated area and the highest yield. Agaricus bisporus is a general term for several kinds of edible mushrooms of the genus Agaricus. At present, Agaricus bisporus and Pleurotus ostreatus are mainly used in production, among which the cultivation area of Agaricus bisporus is the largest. Agaricus bisporus (also known as white mushroom, mushroom, mushroom) has three strains: Brown, cream and white, among which white Agaricus bisporus has better economic value. In terms of cultivation methods, it can be divided into mushroom room cultivation, greenhouse cultivation and rice field open field cultivation (also known as "field mushroom").

  • The naming of bonsai

    The naming of bonsai

    The name of bonsai is also an excuse that we often take pride in, and at the same time, it is often used to belittle others, thinking that there is no name on the lack of artistic conception, etc. If so, Lao Tzu said: Tao can be Tao, very Tao; Name can be named, very name. So what's wrong with having no name? No name, no name.

  • 2 billion of the central government supports 200 rural e-commerce demonstration counties across the country, with a subsidy of 10 million per county

    2 billion of the central government supports 200 rural e-commerce demonstration counties across the country, with a subsidy of 10 million per county

    2 billion of the central government supports 200 rural e-commerce demonstration counties across the country, with a subsidy of 10 million per county
